Reliability Modeling and Assessment

1、S. Wang, Y.F. Li*, Y. Wang. 2018. Hybrid uncertainty model for multi-state systems and linear programming-based approximations for reliability assessment. IISE Transactions. 50 (12), 1058- 1075. (Featured article)

2、Y.H. Lin, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2018. A Comparison between Monte Carlo Simulation and Finite-Volume Scheme for Reliability Assessment of Multi-State Physics Systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 174, 1-11.

3、D. Tellbach, Y.F. Li*. 2018. Cyber-Attacks on Smart Meters in Household Nanogrid: Modeling, Simulation and Analysis. Energies. 11(2), 316.

4、E.M. Larsen, Y. Ding, Y.F. Li, E. Zio. Definitions of Generalized Multi-Performance Multi-State k-out-of-n System and its Reliability Evaluations. Reliability Engineering & System Safety (accepted).

5、I. Abdin, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2017. Risk Assessment of Power Transmission Network Failures in a Uniform Pricing Electricity Market Environment. Energy. 138, 1042-1055.

6、H.D. Mo, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2016. A System-of-Systems Framework for the Reliability Analysis of Distributed Generation System Accounting for the Impact of Degraded Communication Networks. Applied Energy. 183, 805-822.

7、Y.H. Lin, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2016. Reliability Assessment of Systems Subject to Dependent Degradation and Random Shock Processes. IIE Transactions. 48(11), 1072-1085. (Featured article)

8、Y.H. Lin, Y.F. Li, E. Zio. 2016. A Reliability Assessment Framework for Systems with Degradation Dependency by Combining Binary Decision Diagrams and Monte Carlo Simulation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 46(11), 1556-1564.

9、Y.H. Lin, Y.F. Li, E. Zio. 2016. Component Importance Measures for Components with Multiple Dependent Competing Degradation Processes and Subject to Maintenance. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 65(2), 547-557.

10、Y.H. Lin, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2015. Fuzzy Reliability Assessment of Systems with Multiple Dependent Competing Degradation Processes. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 23(5), 1428-1438.

11、Y.F. Li*, S. Valla, E. Zio. 2015. Reliability Assessment of Generic Geared Wind Turbines by GTST-MLD Model and Monte Carlo Simulation. Renewable Energy. 83, 222-233.

12、Y.H. Lin, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2015. Integrating Random Shocks into Multi-State Physics Models of Degradation Processes for Component Reliability Assessment. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 64(1), 154-166.

13、Y.F. Li, R. Peng. 2014. Availability modeling and optimization of dynamic multi-state series–parallel systems with random reconfiguration. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 127, 47-57.

14、Y.F. Li*, Y. Ding, E. Zio. 2014. Random Fuzzy Extension of the Universal Generating Function Approach for the Reliability Assessment of Multi-State Systems under Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 63(1), 13 - 25.

15、Z. Yang, Y.X. Chen, Y.F. Li, E. Zio, R. Kang. 2014. Smart Electricity Meter Reliability Prediction based on Accelerated Degradation Testing and Modeling. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. 56, 209-219.

16、Y.F. Li*, E. Zio, Y.H. Lin. 2012. A Multistate Physics Model of Component Degradation Based on Stochastic Petri Nets and Simulation. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 61(4), 921-931.

17、Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2012. A Multi-State Model for the Reliability Assessment of a Distributed Generation System via Universal Generating Function. Reliability Engineering & Systems Safety. 106, 28–36.

18、Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2012. Uncertainty Analysis of the Adequacy Assessment Model of a Distributed Generation System. Renewable Energy. 41, 235-244.

19、Y. Ding, E. Zio, Y.F. Li, L. Cheng, Q. W. Wu. 2012. Definition of Multi-state Weighted k-out-of-n: F Systems. International Journal of Performability Engineering. 8(2), 217-219.

20、Y.F. Li, R. Peng. 2015. Service Reliability Modeling of Distributed Computing Systems with Virus Epidemics. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 39(18), 5681-5692.

21、C.T. Lin, Y.F. Li*. 2014. Rate-Based Queueing Simulation Model of Open Source Software Debugging Activities. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 40(11), 1075 – 1099.

22、Y.S. Dai, Y.P. Xiang, Y.F. Li, L.D. Xing. 2011. Consequence Oriented Self-Healing and Autonomous Diagnosis for Highly Reliable Systems and Software. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 60(2), 369 – 380.

23、X. Li, Y.F. Li, M. Xie, S.H. Ng. 2011. Reliability analysis and optimal version-updating for open source software. Information and Software Technology. 53(9), 929-936.

24、R. Peng, Y.F. Li, W.J. Zhang, Q.P. Hu. 2014. Testing effort dependent software reliability model for imperfect debugging process considering both detection and correction. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 126, 37–43.

25、R. Peng, Y.F. Li*, J.G. Zhang, X. Li. 2015. A risk-reduction approach for optimal software release time determination with the delay penalty cost. International Journal of Systems Science. 46(9), 1628-1637.

Reliability, Maintenance and Safety Optimization

26、S.M. Wang, Y.F. Li*, T. Jia. Distributionally Robust Design for Redundancy Allocation. INFORMS Journal on Computing (Accepted).

27、M. Du, Y.F. Li*. 2020. An investigation of new local search strategies in memetic algorithm for redundancy allocation in multi-state series-parallel systems. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 195, 106703.

28、H. Wu, Y.F. Li* and C. Bérenguer. 2020. Optimal inspection and maintenance for a repairable k-out-of-n: G warm standby system. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 193, 106669.

29、S. Zhang, M.Y. Du, J.J. Tong, Y.F. Li*. 2019. Multi-objective Optimization of Maintenance Program in Multi-unit Nuclear Power Plant Sites. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 188, 532-548.

30、M.X. Sun, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2019. On the Optimal Redundancy Allocation for Multi-State Series-Parallel Systems under Epistemic Uncertainty. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 192, 106019.

31、H. Long, Z.J. Zhang, M.X. Sun, Y.F. Li. 2018. A Data-Driven Robust Optimization Model for Wind Farm Operations. Energy. 149, 485-495.

32、Y.H. Lin, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2018. A Framework for Modeling and Optimizing Maintenance in Systems Modeled by Piecewise-Deterministic Markov Processes Considering Epistemic Uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 14(1), 210-220.

33、R. Mena, M. Hennebel, Y.F. Li, E. Zio. 2016. A multi-objective optimization framework for risk-controlled integration of renewable generation into electric power systems. Energy. 106, 712-727.

34、R. Rocchetta, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2015. Risk Assessment and Risk-Cost Optimization of Distributed Power Generation Systems Considering Extreme Weather Conditions. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 136, 47-61.

35、E. Kuznetsova, C. Ruiz, Y.F. Li, E. Zio. 2015. Analysis of robust optimization for decentralized microgrid energy management under uncertainty. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 64, 815-832.

36、R. Mena, M. Hennebel, Y.F. Li, C. Ruiz, E. Zio. 2014. A Risk-Based Simulation and Multi-Objective Optimization Framework for the Integration of Distributed Renewable Generation and Storage. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 37, 778-793.

37、R. Mena, M. Hennebel, Y.F. Li, E. Zio. 2014. A self-adaptable hierarchical clustering differential evolution for optimal integration of renewable distributed generation. Applied Energy. 133, 388-402.

38、E. Kuznetsova, Y.F. Li, C. Ruiz, E. Zio. 2014. An integrated framework of agent-based modelling and robust optimization for microgrid energy management. Applied Energy. 129, 70 – 88.

39、Y.F. Li*, N. Pedroni, E. Zio. 2013. A Memetic Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Method for Environmental Power Unit Commitment. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 28(3), 2660 – 2669.

40、E. Kuznetsova, Y.F. Li, C.R. Mora, E. Zio, G. Ault, K. Bell. 2013. Reinforcement learning for microgrid energy management. Energy. 59, 133–146.

41、Y.F. Li*, G. Sansavini, E. Zio. 2013. Non-Dominated Sorting Binary Differential Evolution for the Multi-Objective Optimization of Cascading Failures Protection in Complex Networks. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 111, 195–205.

PHM and Machine Learning

42、H. Meng, Y.F. Li*. 2019. A review on prognostics and health management (PHM) methods of lithium-ion batteries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 116, 109405.

43、R. Ak, Y.F. Li., V. Vitelli, E Zio. 2018. Adequacy Assessment of a Wind-Integrated System Using Neural Network-based Interval Predictions of Wind Power Generation and Load. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. 95, 213-226.

44、J. Huang, J. W. Keung, F. Sarro, Y. F. Li, Y.T. Yu, W.K. Chan, H. Sun. 2017. Cross-validation based K nearest neighbor imputation for software quality datasets: An empirical study. Journal of Systems and Software. 132, 226-252.

45、J. Liu, Y.F. Li., E. Zio, E. 2017. A SVM framework for fault detection of the braking system in a high speed train. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 87, 401-409.

46、J.L. Huang, Y.F. Li, M. Xie. 2015. An empirical analysis of data preprocessing for machine learning-based software cost estimation. Information and Software Technology. 67(c), 108-127.

47、R. Ak, Y.F. Li., V. Vitelli, E. Zio, E. L. Droguettc, C. M. C. Jacintod. 2013. NSGA-II-Trained Neural Network Approach to the Estimation of Prediction Intervals of Scale Deposition Rate in Oil & Gas Equipment. Expert Systems with Applications. 40(4), 1205-1212.

48、Y.F. Li*, S.H. Ng, M. Xie, T.N. Goh. 2010. A Systematic Comparison of Metamodeling Techniques for Simulation Optimization in Decision Support Systems. Applied Soft Computing. 10, 1257-1273.

49、Y.F. Li*, M. Xie, T.N. Goh. 2010. Adaptive ridge regression system for software cost estimating on multi-collinear datasets. Journal of Systems and Software. 83(11), 2332-2343.

50、Y.F. Li*, M. Xie, T.N. Goh. 2009. A Study of the Non-linear Adjustment for Analogy Based Software Cost Estimation. Empirical Software Engineering. 14(6), 603-643.

51、Y.F. Li*, M. Xie, T.N. Goh. 2009. A Study of Mutual Information Based Feature Selection for Case Based Reasoning in Software Cost Estimation. Expert Systems with Applications. 36(3), 5921-5931.

52、Y.F. Li*, M. Xie, T.N. Goh. 2009. A Study of Project Selection and Feature Weighting for Analogy Based Software Cost Estimation. Journal of Systems and Software. 82(2), 241-252.

Chinese Journal Papers

53、李彦夫,门天立. 2019. 列车车轮多边形磨损及其噪音研究综述. 振动、测试与诊断. 39(6), 1113-1152.