
July 2022Congratulations to Huan Wang on her paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Reliability.
July 2022Congratulations to Chen Zhang on her paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Reliability.
March 2022CCongratulations to Tian-Li Men on her paper accepted by Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
February 2022Congratulations to Ying Zhang on her paper accepted by Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
February 2022Congratulations to Huan Wang on her paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.
January 2022Congratulations to Han-xiao Zhang on her paper accepted by Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
December 2021Congratulations to Hui Wu on her paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
November 2021Congratulations to Fei-Peng Wang on her paper accepted by Journal of Risk and Reliability.
October 2021Congratulations to Ming Qian on his paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
October 2021Congratulations to Han-Xiao Zhang on her paper accepted by Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
September 2021Congratulations to Cheng-Wu Shao on his paper accepted by Risk Analysis.
June 2021Congratulations to Chuan-Zhou Jia on his paper accepted by Frontiers of Engineering Management.
June 2021Congratulations to Han-Xiao Zhang on her paper accepted by European Journal of Operational Research.
May 2021Congratulations to Hui Wu win IISE DAIS Best Student Paper.
May 2021Congratulations to Hui Wu on her paper accepted by Technometrics.
February 2021Congratulations to Cheng-Wu Shao on his paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.