Government Sponsored Projects

2018-2022, "Big-data driven methodologies for high availability of the high-speed railways ", National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Key project 71731008, CNY 2.45MM. (PI: Principle Investigator)

2017-2020, "Comparison study of quality and reliability related standards ", National Key Research and Development Program of China, 2017YFF0209505, CNY 990K. (PI)

2019-2022, "Prognostics and health management of the railway vehicle running gears based on digital-twin technology ", Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation-Rail Transit Joint Research Program, L191022, CNY 290K. (PI)

2019-2022 "Intelligent fault diagnosis and health management system of industrial robots ", National Key Research and Development Program of China, 2018YFB1306100, CNY . (participant)

2015-2016, "Robust Scheduling of Wind Farm Power Generation Considering System Reliability ", Hubert Curien Partnerships (PHC) PROCORE – French Ministry of Foraging Affairs and International Development and University Grants Committee of Hong Kong. EUR 9.2K. (co-PI)

2012-2016, "REFERENCE, Research NEtwork on FlExible Risk AssEssmeNt and DeCision SciencE", within the PEOPLE MARIE CURIE ACTIONS for International Research Staff Exchange, in the FP7-Seventh Framework Program of the European Union, EUR 384.3K. (participate)

Industry Sponsored Projects

2020-2021, “Telecom network operation and maintenance system modeling technology cooperation project”, Huawei Technologies Co., LTD.

2020-2022, “Structural vibration response prediction of civil aircraft based on AI and big data analysis”, Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute of ComAC.

2020-2021, “Predictive maintenance of gear hobbing cutters”, Volkswagen China.

2020-2021, "Design of the intelligent maintenance system for high-speed train wheelset", Zhiqi Railway Equipment Co., LTD, CNY 800K.

2020-2021, "Intra-carriage noise source identification and condition-based maintenance for high-speed train wheel degradation", China Railway Xi'an Group, CNY 120K.

2020-2021, "Research on the inspection policy of hollow axles in high speed trains", China Railway Xi'an Group, CNY 130K.

2018-2020, "Optimal maintenance strategy determination under imperfect maintenance", China General Nuclear, CNY 600K.

2018-2019, "SDS reliability testing efficiency optimization", Huawei Machine Ltd, CNY 618K. 2018-2019, "Smart Meter and Measuring Terminals Security and Reliability Studies", China Southern Grid, CNY 930K.

2018-2019, "Standardization of evaluation flow and dataset for machine learning methods", Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, JPY 5.5MM.

2015-2016, "Methods for the construction of rule-bases by automatic learning from data recorded on railway transport components and systems", ALSTOM. EUR 36K.

2013-2016, "Development of methods for modeling degradation and maintenance of critical components and of a framework for integrating information and data of different nature ", Electricite’ de France (EDF)-Centrale Recherche SA (CRSA). EUR 571K.