About me

Brief Introduction 个人简介

  1. 马靓,清华大学工业工程系长聘副教授,清华大学-德国亚琛工业大学双联硕士,法国南特中央理工博士。其主要研究方向为人因工程,疲劳风险建模及其管理,基于可穿戴设备的人的状态评估与预测,智能人机交互与协同。
    Liang Ma, tenured associate professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University. He obtained double Master degree from RWTH-Aachen and Tsinghua University, and he got his Ph.D. from Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France).His main research interests include occupational health and safety, occupational ergonomics, fatigue modeling and its risk management, wearable device based ergonomics application, and human interaction with intelligent machines and huma-machine collaboration .
  2. 目前的研究内容主要围绕疲劳及疲劳风险管理、智能人机协同展开。作为负责人承担多项国家自然科学基金项目与科技部重点研发专项项目。
    His current research mainly focuses on fatigue modeling and its risk management. He was in charge of two NSFC projects, and he is currently prinicipal investigator of a subtopic in a National Key Research Project. He also participated in several NSFC projects and National Key Research Programs.
Google Citation: Google Scholar
ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0002-9422-814X

Research Interests 研究兴趣

  1. Human Interaction with Intelligent Machine, 智能人机交互
  2. Occupational Ergonomics and Occupational Safety 职业工效学,职业安全
  3. Fatigue Risk Modelling and its Ergonomics Intervention 疲劳风险管理与人因干预
  4. Digital Human Modelling 数字人体仿真

Education Background 教育背景

  1. 2006.10-2009.10
    法国南特中央理工, 机械工程专业,博士学位
    Ecole Centrale Nantes, France, Ph.D. in major of Mechanical Engineering
  2. 2003.09-2006.07
    清华大学工业工程系, 管理科学与工程,硕士学位
    Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Master in major of Industrial Engineering
  3. 2004.04-2005.04
    德国RWTH Aachen亚琛工大, 生产系统工程,硕士学位
    RWTH-Aachen, Germany, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Master in major of Production System Engineering
  4. 1999.09-2003.07
    清华大学机械工程系, 机械工程及自动化专业,学士学位
    Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Bachelor in major of Mechanical Engineering

Employment 工作经历

  1. 2019.07-present
    Tenured Associate professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University
  2. 2012.12-2019.07
    Tenure Track Associate professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University
  3. 2010.08-2012.11
    Assistant professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University
  4. 2009.11-2010.05
    博士后研究助理,法国南特中央理工,法国国家研究所 CNRS IRCCyN (Research Institute in Communication and Cybernetics in Nantes)
    Post-doc research fellow, at Ecole Centrale de Nantes, IRCCyN (Research Institute in Communication and Cybernetics in Nantes), CNRS

学术兼职 Acadmics Appointments

学校与系内工作 Appointments in the Department and the University

奖励 Honors/Awards

教学相关奖励 Teaching related awards

指导学生所获奖励 Honors/Awards by my students