Yan-Fu Li, Ph.D.


Director, Institute for Quality & Reliability, Tsinghua University
Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University


Google Scholar PageORCID: 0000-0001-5755-7115
Office: Shunde Building, North 410
Department of Industrial Engineering,
Tsinghua University,
Beijing, 100084, China
Tel: +86-10-6278-0197
Fax: +86-10-6278-0197
E-mail: liyanfu@tsinghua.edu.cn

[Summary] [Research Interests] [Research Projects] [Career Experience] [Education Background] [Teaching] [Publications] [Awards and Recognitions] [Professional Services] [Keynote Lectures and Invited Seminars] [Students Supervision] [中文版]


Dr. Yan-Fu Li is currently the Director of the Institute for Quality & Reliability of Tsinghua University and a full Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering in Tsinghua University, China. From 2011 to 2016, he was a faculty member at CentraleSupélec in Université Paris-Saclay, France. His research areas mainly include condition monitoring, fault detection and system reliability with the applications onto various engineering systems. Dr. Li has published over 90 peer-reviewed international journal papers with an H-index = 41. The representative papers appear on IEEE Transactions, IISE Transactions, Technometrics, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, etc. He has been continuously elected as the Highly Cited Chinese Researcher 2019-2023 by Elsevier and Top 2% Scientists Worldwide 2021-2022 by Stanford University. He is the Principal Investigator (PI) of several government projects including the key project funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China and National Key R&D Program of China. He is also experienced in industrial research, the long-term partners include the top enterprises such as Huawei, China Southern Power Grid, etc. He holds 12 national patents, 1 international patent and 1 IEEE standard. He has won multiple national society and international society search/paper awards, including the Gold Medal of Geneva International Invention Exhibition. He is currently an Associate Editor of "IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics" and "Reliability Engineering & System Safety" and was an AE for "IEEE Transactions on Reliability" (2017-2024). He is the founding Chair of IEEE Technology and Management Society Beijing Chapter, and he consistently serves as China Quality Award Judge.

For more information, please visit my lab website: http://www2.ie.tsinghua.edu.cn/rrml/

Research Interests

Research Projects:

Government Sponsored Projects Industry Sponsored Projects

Career Experience:

Education Background:


Undergraduate level courses Postgraduate level courses

[Summary] [Research Interests] [Research Projects] [Career Experience] [Education Background] [Teaching] [Publications] [Awards and Recognitions] [Professional Services] [Keynote Lectures and Invited Seminars] [Students Supervision] [中文版]


  1. Li, Y. F., Zio, E. 2022. System Reliability Assessment and Optimization: Methods and Applications. John Wiley & Sons.
  2. Peng, R., Li, Y. F., Liu, Y. 2018. Software Fault Detection and Correction: Modeling and Applications. Singapore: Springer.
Journal publications

    Condition Monitoring & Fault Detection

  1. H. Wang, C. Li, Y. F. Li*. 2024. Large-scale visual language model boosted by contrast domain adaptation for intelligent industrial visual monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. (In press)
  2. M. Qian#, Y. F. Li*#, H. Wu. 2024 Deep imbalanced separation network: a holistic fault detection framework considering class-imbalance and partial label-unknown. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. (In press)
  3. H. Wang, Y. F. Li*, T. Men., L. Li. 2024. Physically interpretable wavelet-guided networks with dynamic frequency decomposition for machine intelligence fault prediction. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. (In press)
  4. Y. F. Li, H. Wang, M. Sun. 2023. ChatGPT-like large-scale foundation models for Prognostics and Health Management: A survey and roadmaps. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 109850.
  5. H. Wang, Y. F. Li*, T. Men. 2024. Wavelet integrated CNN with dynamic frequency aggregation for high-speed train wheel wear prediction. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. (In press).
  6. Y. Zhang, Y. F. Li*, M. Zhang, H. Wang. 2024. A novel health indicator by dominant invariant subspace on Grassmann manifold for state of health assessment of lithium-ion battery. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 130, 107698.
  7. Y. Zhang, Y. F. Li*, M. Zhang, H. Wang. 2024. A novel health indicator by dominant invariant subspace on Grassmann manifold for state of health assessment of lithium-ion battery. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 130, 107698.
  8. H. Wang, Y. F. Li*, J. Ren. 2024. Machine learning for fault diagnosis of high-speed train traction systems: A review. Frontiers of Engineering Management. 11(1), 62-78.
  9. H. Wang, M. Sun*, Y.F. Li*. 2024. A brain-inspired spiking network framework based on multi-time-step self-attention for lithium-ion batteries capacity prediction. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 70(1), 3008-3017.
  10. H. Wu, Y.F. Li*. 2024. A multi-sensor fusion-based prognostic model for systems with partially observable failure modes. IISE Transactions, 56(6), 624-637.
  11. G. Xin, Q. Zhong, Y. Jin, Z. Li, Y. Chen, Y. F. Li, J. Antoni. 2024. Autonomous bearing fault diagnosis based on fault-induced envelope spectrum and moving peaks-over-threshold approach. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. (In press)
  12. H. Wang, Y. F. Li*, Y. Zhang 2023. Bioinspired spiking spatiotemporal attention framework for lithium-ion batteries state-of-health estimation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 188, 113728.
  13. H. Wu, Y.F. Li*. 2023. Adaptive graph-based support vector data description for weakly-supervised anomaly detection.. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. (In press).
  14. H. Wang, Y. F. Li*. 2023. Bioinspired membrane learnable spiking neural network for autonomous vehicle sensors fault diagnosis under open environments. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 233, 109102.
  15. H. Wu, Y.F. Li*. 2023. Clustering spatially correlated functional data with multiple scalar covariates. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 34(10), 7074-7088.
  16. H. Wang, T. Men, Y. F. Li* 2022. Transformer for high-speed train wheel wear prediction with multiplex local–global temporal fusion. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 71, 1-12.
  17. Y Zhang, Y. F. Li*. 2022. Prognostics and health management of Lithium-ion battery using deep learning methods: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 161, 112282. (ESI highly cited paper top 1%)
  18. T. Han, Y. F. Li*. 2022. Out-of-distribution detection-assisted trustworthy machinery fault diagnosis approach with uncertainty-aware deep ensembles. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 226, 108648. (ESI highly cited paper top 1%)
  19. M. Qian, Y. F. Li*. 2022. A weakly supervised learning-based oversampling framework for class-imbalanced fault diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 71(1), 429-442.
  20. M. Qian, Y. F. Li*, T. Han, 2021. Positive-unlabeled learning-based hybrid deep network for intelligent fault detection. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 18(7), 4510-4519.
  21. T. Han, Y.F. Li*, M. Qian. 2021. A hybrid generalization network for intelligent fault diagnosis of rotating machinery under unseen working conditions. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 70: 3520011. (ESI highly cited paper top 1%)
  22. H. Wu, C. Zhang, Y.F. Li*. 2021. Monitoring heterogeneous multivariate profiles based on heterogeneous graphical model. Technometrics. 64(2), 210-223.
  23. Z. Chi, T. Zhou, S. Huang, Y. F. Li*. 2020. A data-driven approach for the health prognosis of high-speed train wheels. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability. 234(6), 735-747.
  24. H. Meng, Y.F. Li*. 2019. A review on prognostics and health management (PHM) methods of lithium-ion batteries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 116, 109405. (ESI highly cited paper top 1%)
  25. R. Ak, Y.F. Li., V. Vitelli, E Zio. 2018. Adequacy assessment of a wind-integrated system using neural network-based interval predictions of wind power generation and load. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. 95, 213-226.
  26. J. Huang, J. W. Keung, F. Sarro, Y. F. Li, Y.T. Yu, W.K. Chan, H. Sun. 2017. Cross-validation based K nearest neighbor imputation for software quality datasets: An empirical study. Journal of Systems and Software. 132, 226-252.
  27. J. Liu, Y.F. Li., E. Zio, E. 2017. A SVM framework for fault detection of the braking system in a high speed train. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 87, 401-409.
  28. R. Ak, Y.F. Li., V. Vitelli, E. Zio, E. L. Droguettc, C. M. C. Jacintod. 2013. NSGA-II-trained neural network approach to the estimation of prediction intervals of scale deposition rate in oil & gas equipment. Expert Systems with Applications. 40(4), 1205-1212.
  29. System Reliability Modeling and Assessment

  30. Y.F. Li*, W Zhao, C. Zhang, J. Ye, H. He. 2024. A study on the prediction of service reliability of wireless telecommunication system via distribution regression. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 250, 110291.
  31. T. Men, B. Liu, Y.F. Li*, Y. H. Lin, Y. Zhang. 2024. Reliability modeling and parameter estimation for high-speed train wheels subject to multi-dimensional degradation processes considering mutual dependency. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 73(2), 1325-1340.
  32. S. Tang, Z. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J. Zhou, Y. Guo, S. Liu, S. Guo, Y.F. Li, L Ma, Y. Xue, Y. Liu. 2023. A survey on automated driving system testing: Landscapes and trends. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. 32 (5), 1-62.
  33. F. Wang, D. Araújo, Y.F. Li*, 2023. Reliability assessment of autonomous vehicles based on the safety control structure. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 237(2), 389-404.
  34. L. Sun, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2022. Comparison of the HAZOP, FMEA, FRAM, and STPA methods for the hazard analysis of automatic emergency brake systems. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, 8(3):031104(14 pages).
  35. Y.F. Li*, C. Jia. 2021. An overview of the reliability metrics for power grids and telecommunication networks. Frontiers of Engineering Management, 8(4), 531-544.
  36. S. Jiang, Y.F. Li*. 2021. Dynamic reliability assessment of multi-cracked structure under fatigue loading via multi-state physics model. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 213, 107664.
  37. Z. Chi, R. Chen, S. Huang, Y.F. Li*, B. Zhou, W. Zhang. 2020. Multi-state system modeling and reliability assessment for groups of highspeed train wheels. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 202, 107026.
  38. S. Jiang, Y.F. Li. 2020. Time-variant fatigue reliability evaluation of riveted lap joint under stationary random loading. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability. 234(4), 567-578.
  39. E.M. Larsen, Y. Ding, Y.F. Li, E. Zio. 2020. Definitions of generalized multi-performance multi-state k-out-of-n system and its reliability evaluations. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 199, 105876.
  40. S. Wang, Y.F. Li*, Y. Wang. 2018. Hybrid uncertainty model for multi-state systems and linear programming-based approximations for reliability assessment. IISE Transactions. 50 (12), 1058- 1075. (Featured article)
  41. Y.H. Lin, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2018. A comparison between Monte Carlo simulation and finite-volume scheme for reliability assessment of multi-state physics systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 174, 1-11.
  42. D. Tellbach, Y.F. Li*. 2018. Cyber-attacks on smart meters in household nanogrid: modeling, simulation and analysis. Energies. 11(2), 316.
  43. I. Abdin, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2017. Risk assessment of power transmission network failures in a uniform pricing electricity market environment. Energy. 138, 1042-1055.
  44. H.D. Mo, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2016. A system-of-systems framework for the reliability analysis of distributed generation system accounting for the impact of degraded communication networks. Applied Energy. 183, 805-822.
  45. Y.H. Lin, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2016. Reliability assessment of systems subject to dependent degradation and random shock processes. IIE Transactions. 48(11), 1072-1085. (Featured article)
  46. Y.H. Lin, Y.F. Li, E. Zio. 2016. A reliability assessment framework for systems with degradation dependency by combining binary decision diagrams and Monte Carlo simulation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 46(11), 1556-1564.
  47. Y.H. Lin, Y.F. Li, E. Zio. 2016. Component importance measures for components with multiple dependent competing degradation processes and subject to maintenance. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 65(2), 547-557.
  48. Y.H. Lin, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2015. Fuzzy reliability assessment of systems with multiple dependent competing degradation processes. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 23(5), 1428-1438.
  49. Y.F. Li*, S. Valla, E. Zio. 2015. Reliability assessment of generic geared wind turbines by gtst-mld model and Monte Carlo simulation. Renewable Energy. 83, 222-233.
  50. Y.H. Lin, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2015. Integrating random shocks into multi-state physics models of degradation processes for component reliability assessment. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 64(1), 154-166.
  51. Y.F. Li, R. Peng. 2014. Availability modeling and optimization of dynamic multi-state series–parallel systems with random reconfiguration. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 127, 47-57.
  52. Y.F. Li*, Y. Ding, E. Zio. 2014. Random fuzzy extension of the universal generating function approach for the reliability assessment of multi-state systems under aleatory and epistemic uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 63(1), 13 - 25.
  53. Z. Yang, Y.X. Chen, Y.F. Li, E. Zio, R. Kang. 2014. Smart electricity meter reliability prediction based on accelerated degradation testing and modeling. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. 56, 209-219.
  54. Y.F. Li*, E. Zio, Y.H. Lin. 2012. A multistate physics model of component degradation based on stochastic petri nets and simulation. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 61(4), 921-931.
  55. Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2012. A multi-state model for the reliability assessment of a distributed generation system via universal generating function. Reliability Engineering & Systems Safety. 106, 28–36.
  56. Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2012. Uncertainty analysis of the adequacy assessment model of a distributed generation system. Renewable Energy. 41, 235-244.
  57. Y. Ding, E. Zio, Y.F. Li, L. Cheng, Q. W. Wu. 2012. Definition of multi-state weighted k-out-of-n: F systems. International Journal of Performability Engineering. 8(2), 217-219.
  58. Y.F. Li, R. Peng. 2015. Service reliability modeling of distributed computing systems with virus epidemics. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 39(18), 5681-5692.
  59. C.T. Lin, Y.F. Li*. 2014. Rate-based queueing simulation model of open source software debugging activities. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 40(11), 1075 – 1099.
  60. Y.S. Dai, Y.P. Xiang, Y.F. Li, L.D. Xing. 2011. Consequence oriented self-healing and autonomous diagnosis for highly reliable systems and software. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 60(2), 369 – 380.
  61. X. Li, Y.F. Li, M. Xie, S.H. Ng. 2011. Reliability analysis and optimal version-updating for open source software. Information and Software Technology. 53(9), 929-936.
  62. R. Peng, Y.F. Li, W.J. Zhang, Q.P. Hu. 2014. Testing effort dependent software reliability model for imperfect debugging process considering both detection and correction. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 126, 37–43.
  63. R. Peng, Y.F. Li*, J.G. Zhang, X. Li. 2015. A risk-reduction approach for optimal software release time determination with the delay penalty cost. International Journal of Systems Science. 46(9), 1628-1637.
  64. Reliability / Maintenance Optimization

  65. H. Zhang, Y.F. Li*, M. Xie, C, Zhang. 2024. Two-stage distributionally robust optimization for joint system design and maintenance scheduling in high-consequence systems. IISE Transactions. 56(8), 793-810.
  66. W. Zheng, H. Zhang, Y.F. Li*. 2024. A systematic approach to the high-level maintenance scheduling for high-speed trains in China. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 73(1), 142-155.
  67. C.W. Shao, Y.F. Li*, Z. Yang, C.Y. Shen, S.Z. Liu, Z. Yang, 2023. Risk-sharing mechanism design in non-cooperative multi-defender stackelberg defense resources allocation game. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. (In press).
  68. H. Zhang, Y.F. Li*. 2022. Integrated optimization of test case selection and sequencing for reliability testing of the mainboard of Internet backbone routers. European Journal of Operational Research. 299(1), 183-194.
  69. H. Zhang, Y.F. Li*. 2022. Robust optimization on redundancy allocation problems in multi-state and continuous-state series–parallel systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 218, 108134.
  70. J Xu, Z Liang, Y.F. Li, K Wang. 2022. Generalized condition-based maintenance optimization for multi-component systems considering stochastic dependency and imperfect maintenance. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 211, 107592.
  71. S Dong, Y Xue, S Brinkkemper, Y.F. Li. 2022. Multi-objective integer programming approaches to Next Release Problem—Enhancing exact methods for finding whole pareto front. Information and Software Technology, 147, 106825.
  72. C.W. Shao, Y.F. Li*,2021. Multistage attack-defense graph game analysis for protection resources allocation optimization against cyber attacks considering rationality evolution. Risk Analysis. (In press).
  73. C.W. Shao, Y.F. Li*,2021. Optimal defense resources allocation for power system based on bounded rationality game theory analysis. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 4223-4234.
  74. S.Z. Liu, C.W. Shao, Y.F. Li*, Z. Yang, 2021. Game attack-defense graph approach for modeling and analysis of cyberattacks and defenses in local metering system. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 19(3), 2607-2619.
  75. Y. Xue, Y.F. Li*. 2020. Multi-objective integer programming approaches for solving the multicriteria test-suite minimization problem: towards sound and complete solutions of a particular search-based software-engineering problem. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 29(3), Article 20.
  76. S.M. Wang, Y.F. Li*, T. Jia. 2020. Distributionally robust design for redundancy allocation. INFORMS Journal on Computing. 32 (3), 620-640.
  77. M. Du, Y.F. Li*. 2020. An investigation of new local search strategies in memetic algorithm for redundancy allocation in multi-state series-parallel systems. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 195, 106703.
  78. H. Wu, Y.F. Li*. 2020. Optimal inspection and maintenance for a repairable k-out-of-n: G warm standby system. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 193, 106669.
  79. S. Zhang, M.Y. Du, J.J. Tong, Y.F. Li*. 2019. Multi-objective optimization of maintenance program in multi-unit nuclear power plant sites. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 188, 532-548.
  80. M.X. Sun, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2019. On the optimal redundancy allocation for multi-state series-parallel systems under epistemic uncertainty. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 192, 106019.
  81. H. Long, Z.J. Zhang, M.X. Sun, Y.F. Li. 2018. The data-driven schedule of wind farm power generations and required reserves. Energy. 149, 485-495.
  82. Y.H. Lin, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2018. A framework for modeling and optimizing maintenance in systems considering epistemic uncertainty and degradation dependence based on PDMPs. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 14(1), 210-220.
  83. R. Mena, M. Hennebel, Y.F. Li, E. Zio. 2016. A multi-objective optimization framework for risk-controlled integration of renewable generation into electric power systems. Energy. 106, 712-727.
  84. R. Rocchetta, Y.F. Li*, E. Zio. 2015. Risk assessment and risk-cost optimization of distributed power generation systems considering extreme weather conditions. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 136, 47-61.
  85. E. Kuznetsova, C. Ruiz, Y.F. Li, E. Zio. 2015. Analysis of robust optimization for decentralized microgrid energy management under uncertainty. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 64, 815-832.
  86. R. Mena, M. Hennebel, Y.F. Li, C. Ruiz, E. Zio. 2014. A risk-based simulation and multi-objective optimization framework for the integration of distributed renewable generation and storage. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 37, 778-793.
  87. R. Mena, M. Hennebel, Y.F. Li, E. Zio. 2014. A self-adaptable hierarchical clustering differential evolution for optimal integration of renewable distributed generation. Applied Energy. 133, 388-402.
  88. E. Kuznetsova, Y.F. Li, C. Ruiz, E. Zio. 2014. An integrated framework of agent-based modelling and robust optimization for microgrid energy management. Applied Energy. 129, 70 – 88.
  89. Y.F. Li*, N. Pedroni, E. Zio. 2013. A memetic evolutionary multi-objective optimization method for environmental power unit commitment. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 28(3), 2660 – 2669.
  90. E. Kuznetsova, Y.F. Li, C.R. Mora, E. Zio, G. Ault, K. Bell. 2013. Reinforcement learning for microgrid energy management. Energy. 59, 133–146.
  91. Y.F. Li*, G. Sansavini, E. Zio. 2013. Non-dominated sorting binary differential evolution for the multi-objective optimization of cascading failures protection in complex networks. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 111, 195–205.
  92. Y.F. Li*, S.H. Ng, M. Xie, T.N. Goh. 2010. A Systematic Comparison of Metamodeling Techniques for Simulation Optimization in Decision Support Systems. Applied Soft Computing. 10, 1257-1273.
  93. Chinese Journal Papers

  94. 韩特, 李彦夫, 雷亚国, 李乃鹏, 李响. (2022). 融合图标签传播和判别特征增强的工业机器人关键部件半监督故障诊断方法. 机械工程学报, 58(17), 116-124.
  95. 李彦夫, 韩特. (2022). 基于深度学习的工业装备 PHM 研究综述. 振动, 测试与诊断, 42(5), 835-426.
  96. 李彦夫, 门天立. 2019. 列车车轮多边形磨损及其噪音研究综述. 振动、测试与诊断. 39(6), 1113-1152.
International Standard
  1. Service Reliability Indicators of Telecommunications Networks, IEEE 3106-2024, June 2024. Available: https://standards.ieee.org/ieee/3106/10955/
Book Chapters
  1. H. Meng, Y.F. Li. 2020. State of health prognostics of lithium-ion batteries. In Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering. ed. Lirong Cui, Ilia Frenkel, Anatoly Lisnianski, Page: 245-262.. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group.
  2. Y.H. Lin, Y.F. Li, E. Zio. 2018. Reliability assessment of systems with dependent degradation processes based on piecewise-deterministic markov process. In Recent Advances in Multi-State Systems Reliability, Page: 213-225. Springer, Cham.
  3. Y.F. Li, E. Zio. 2018. RAMS optimization principles. In Handbook of Safety Principles. ed. Niklas Moller, Sven Ove Hansson, Jan-Erik Holmberg, Carl Rollenhagen. John Wiley & Sons, NJ, USA.
  4. Y.F. Li, E. Zio, Y.H. Lin. 2012. Methods of solutions of inhomogeneous continuous time markov chains for degradation process modeling. In Applied Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis. Probabilistic Models and Statistical Inference. Dedicated to the Centennial of the birth of Boris Gnedenko, renowned Russian mathematician and reliability theorist. ed. Alex Karagrigoriou, Anatoly Lisnianski, Andre Kleyner, Ilia Frenkel. Wiley.
  5. C.J. Xiong, Y.F. Li, M. Xie, S.H. Ng, T.N. Goh. 2009. Service reliability and availability analysis of distributed software systems considering malware attack. In Advances in Software Engineering, vol. 36 of Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Page: 313-320. ISSN: 1865-0929. (ISTP)
Computer Science Top Conference Papers:
  1. Y. Xue, Y.F. Li*. Multi-objective integer programming approaches for solving optimal feature selection problem. 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE40), May 27-June 3, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden.

[Summary] [Research Interests] [Research Projects] [Career Experience] [Education Background] [Teaching] [Publications] [Awards and Recognitions] [Professional Services] [Keynote Lectures and Invited Seminars] [Students Supervision] [中文版]

Awards and Recognitions:

Professional Services:

Journal Editorships: Conference Services:

General Chair/Co-Chair

Track Leader, Session Chair/Moderator

Technical Program Committee Member

Professional Society Services/Memberships:

[Summary] [Research Interests] [Research Projects] [Career Experience] [Educational Background] [Teaching] [Publications] [Awards and Recognitions] [Professional Services] [Keynote Lectures and Invited Seminars] [Students Supervision] [中文版]

Keynote Lectures and Invited Seminars:

Students Supervision:

Postdoc research fellow: Ph.D. Students: Master by Research Students: