About Us
The Reliability & Risk Management Laboratory (RRML) was established within the department of Industrial Engineering at Tsinghua University in 2017. The RRML group carries out research at the interface between reliability, availability, maintainability, safety and security, developing assessment and optimization for decision support in real world problem solving.
In collaboration with other elite academic institutions, the public sector and industry, our members undertake world-leading research in a variety of problem domains including but not limited to: maintenance scheduling, reliability testing plan, quality standard setting, prognostic and health management, 5G communication network, power grid and nuclear power plant.
The research interests of the RRML group cover a wide range of topics which can be divided in the following sub-groups:
System Reliability
Prognostics and Health management
Quality Control/Management
Important: Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar Program’s Global Recruitment
Tsinghua University has created the Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar Program, a doctoral degree program focused on attracting excellent scholars who will undertake researchacross 50 disciplines. The program supports doctoral scholars in their academic career and educates leading researchers in various fields. Applications for the 2022 “Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar Program” are now open and selection has begun. We encourage scholars who are committed to academic research and innovation to apply for this prestigious program. Read More.
ESREL 2022 -- Reliability of Telcom Networks
Visit https://www.esrel2022.com/team-1 for more information.

Prof. Yan-Fu Li
Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Email: liyanfu@tsinghua.edu.cn
Session 20: Plenary Session: Plenary session: Reliability of Telcom Networks

Organising Co-Chairs
Prof. Yan-Fu Li
Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Email: liyanfu@tsinghua.edu.cn
System Reliability Assessment and Optimization: Methods and Applications
Visit https://www.wiley.com/en-us/System+Reliability+Assessment+and+Optimization:+Methods+and+Applications-p-9781119265870 for more information.

Yan-Fu Li, Enrico Zio, Andre V. Kleyner (Series Editor)
ISBN: 978-1-119-26587-0, June 2022, 272 Pages
This book is a comprehensive overview of the recently developed methods for assessing and optimizing system reliability and safety. It consists of two main parts, for assessment and optimization methods, respectively. The former covers multi-state system modelling and reliability evaluation, Markov processes, Monte Carlo simulation and uncertainty treatments under poor knowledge. The reviewed methods range from piecewise-deterministic Markov process to belief functions. The latter covers mathematical programs, evolutionary algorithms, multi-objective optimization and optimization under uncertainty. The reviewed methods range from non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm to robust optimization. This book also includes the applications of the assessment and optimization method on real world cases, particularly for the reliability and safety of renewable energy systems. From this point of view, the book bridges the gap between theoretical development and engineering practice.
Important: Recruitment for Post-doctoral Researchers
We are searching globally for the talented postdoc researchers for the adventure to solve the challenging problems of 1) complex networked system reliability & maintainability, 2) prognostics and health management & machine learning and 3) data science & quality control. The research will be funded by various national projects as well as industrial projects. Read More.
Recruitment information
Due to the development needs, the institute of Quality and Reliability of Tsinghua University is recruiting one senior quality specialist and two quality policy research specialists to carry out research work in related fields. Read More.
Featured Publications
1、J. Li, Y.Z. Huang, Y.F. Li, S.M. Wang* Redundancy Allocation under State-DependentDistributional Uncertainty of Component Lifetimes. Production and Operations Management (Accepted). 2022.
2、S.M. Wang, Y.F. Li*, T. Jia. Distributionally Robust Design for Redundancy Allocation. INFORMS Journal on Computing (Accepted). 2020.
3、 M. Qian, Y.F. Li*, T. Han, 2021. Positive-Unlabeled Learning Based Hybrid Deep Network for Intelligent Fault Detection. IEEE transaction on Industrial Informatics. (In press).
4、C.W. Shao, Y.F. Li*,2021. Multistage Attack-Defense Graph Game Analysis for Protection Resources Allocation Optimization Against Cyber Attacks Considering Rationality Evolution. Risk Analysis. DOI: 10.1111/risa.13837.
5、S.Z. Liu, C.W. Shao, Y.F. Li*, Z. Yang, 2021. Game Attack-Defense Graph Approach for Modeling and Analysis of Cyberattacks and Defenses in Local Metering System. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2021.3093082.
6、H. Wu, Y.F. Li*. 2021. Clustering Spatially Correlated Functional Data with Multiple Scalar Covariates. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. (In press).
Congratulations to Huan Wang on her paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Reliability.
Congratulations to Chen Zhang on her paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Reliability.
Congratulations to Tian-Li Men on her paper accepted by Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
Congratulations to Ying Zhang on her paper accepted by Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
Congratulations to Huan Wang on her paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.
Congratulations to Han-xiao Zhang on her paper accepted by Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
Congratulations to Hui Wu on her paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
Congratulations to Fei-Peng Wang on her paper accepted by Journal of Risk and Reliability.
Congratulations to Ming Qian on his paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
Congratulations to Han-Xiao Zhang on her paper accepted by Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
Congratulations to Cheng-Wu Shao on his paper accepted by Risk Analysis.