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Dr. Kaibo Wang 

工业工程系 教授

Ph.D., Professor
Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering
(Joint appointment) Professor, Vanke School of Public Health

(来访地图1 地图2)

RM 612, Shunde Building
Department of Industrial Engineering
Tsinghua University
Beijing 100084
Tel: (+86-10) 6279-7429

[研究兴趣 Research Interest][个人简介 Profile][学术交流 Academic Activities][科研项目 Research Grants][教学 Teaching][学生培养 Students Advised][论文发表 Publications]

研究兴趣 Research Interest

  • 统计质量控制
  • 数据驱动的制造与服务系统建模与监测
  • 工业大数据
  • Statistical Quality Control
  • Data-Driven System Modeling and Monitoring
  • Industrial Big Data

个人简介 Profile

王凯波博士2017年担任INFORMS学会质量、统计与可靠性(QSR)分会主席,2016年担任INFORMS年会QSR分会Cluster Chair。他现在是IISE Transactions的Department Editor,Journal of Quality Technology、Quality Engineering等期刊的Editorial Review Board,以及多个期刊的副主编。他是IISE及ASQ资深会员,INFORMS的会员。

Dr. Kaibo Wang, Ph.D., Professor, Chairman of the Council of Vanke School of Public Health, Tsinghua University, Secretary-General of the Industrial Engineering Specialty Education Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, and Deputy Director of the Industrial Engineering Branch of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society. He was the Vice Dean of the Graduate School of Tsinghua University, Vice Chair of the Department of Industrial Engineering, Vice Dean of Vanke School of Public Health. He received his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong. His research focuses on statistical quality control and data-driven system modelling, monitoring, diagnosis and control, with a special emphasis on the integration of engineering knowledge and statistical theories for solving problems from the real industry. He has published more than 50 peer reviewed papers in journals such as Journal of Quality Technology, IISE Transactions, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, and others. He was the Chair of the Quality, Statistics and Reliability (QSR) Section of INFORMS in 2017, Cluster Chair of QSR at INFORMS 2016 Annual Meeting, and the Chair of the 2nd Sino-US Research Conference on Quality, Analytics and Innovations. He is now serving as a Department Editor for IISE Transactions; he is also on the Editor Review Board of Journal of Quality Technology, and an associate editor for multiple journals. He is a senior member of IISE and ASQ, and member of INFORMS.

学术兼职及院系服务 Academic and University Services

科研项目 Research Grants

起至时间 资助机 构 Sponsor 研究题目 Title 承担任务 Task
2020.1-2024.12 国家自然科学基金(重点项目:71932006) 工业大数据环境下面向智能制造系统的质量科学管控方法研究
Towards High-Quality Intelligent Manufacturing--Quality Science Research under Industrial Big-data Environment
2018.1-2022.12 国家自然科学基金(重点项目:71731008) 大数据驱动的高速铁路高可用性研究
Big Data Driven Methodologies for Achieving High Availability of the High Speed Railways
2017.7-2021.12 国家重点研发计划 面向“走出去”的高铁全生命周期管理标准与关键系统技术标准研究-运行与维护标准研究
Management and Technical Standards for High-Speed Railway
2016.07-2019.06 科技部 服务认证评价大数据关键问题研究
Key issues in service performance evaluation using Big Data
Co-PI (合作:认证认监委)
2015.1-2018.12 国家自然科学基金(面上项目:71471096)
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
Quality and Yield Prediction based on 2-D Spatial Discrete Data
PI (with Dr. Nan Chen at National University of Singapore)
2011.1-2013.12 国家自然科学基金(面上项目:71072012)
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
Advanced Statistical Quality Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing
PI (with Prof. Arthur Yeh at Bowling Green State University and Prof. Bo Li at Tsinghua SEM)
2009.1-2011.12 国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金:70802034)
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
Statistical Process Adjustment based on Mixed-Resolution Information
PI(合作:香港科技大学Prof. Fugee Tsung)
2009.1-2010.12 北京市自然科学基金(9092005)
Natural Science Foundation of Beijing
Statistical Forecasting and Monitoring of Spatial-Temporal Healthcare Data
2009.1-2011.12 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(新教师基金) (200800031056)
Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (SRFDP), 200800031056
Multivariate Process Monitoring via Variable Selection

教育背景 Education

工作经历 Employment

教学 Teaching

学生培养 Students Advised

Thesis Type
姓名(工作去向) Name 论文题目 Thesis
博士 Ph.D.
  2023.9- 彭越 -
  2022.9- 王艺纯 -
  2021.9- 吴浩 -
  2020.9- 于子涵 -
  2020.9- 李登宇 -
  2019.9- 徐军 -
  2018.9-2024.7 杨洛 复杂工业系统高维流式数据建模与监测方法
  2016.9-2021.6 梁巧 基于电商用户评论的线上商品及服务质量评价与监测(清华大学优秀博士论文)
  2015.9-2020.8 董航 事件网络的分析与监控
  2014.9-2020.10 王好 制造过程空间质量数据建模和预测算法研究
  2012.8-2018.8 臧阳阳 未对齐轮廓质量数据分析及监控算法研究
  2011.8-2016.7 包璐璐 基于空间数据的统计建模与质量控制
工学硕士 Master of Science
  2016.9-2019.7 刘子圣 车辆灯具镀膜均匀性的质量提升研究
  2017.9-2019.7 万冰琪 单变量流式数据在线监视与预警方法
  2017.7-2018.6 Arman Asryan 阿蒙 高维复杂网络的统计过程控制 Statistical Process Control for High-Dimensional Complex Networks
  2013.8-2015.7 陶嘉羚 碳纳米管高度质量的时空数据统计建模与预测
  2011.8-2013.7 戴晨旭 直拉单晶硅生长过程的 质量控制方法研究
  2011.8-2013.7 李达 汽车零部件质量改善方法应用研究
  2010.8-2012.6 周昕星 基于变量选择的第一阶段变点统计过程控制方法
  2009.8-2012.6 韩凯 半导体制造中的统计质量控制算法研究

2008.8-2010.6 林婧 基于多精度数据的统计过程调整算法研究

论文发表 Publications

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Referred Journals (SCI索引期刊论文)

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61. Yichun Wang, Kaibo Wang(2024) "IPAD: Iterative Prediction And Decomposition for Sparse Anomaly Detection in Video with Non-Low-Rank Background", Quality and Reliability Engineering International. Accepted.
60. Jun Xu, Jie Zhou, Kaibo Wang(2024) "Bayesian Online Change Detection of Multimode Processes With Application to Wind Turbines", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement. Published online.
59. Luo Yang, Kaibo Wang, Jie Zhou(2024) "Multimode high-dimensional time series clustering and monitoring for wind turbine SCADA data", Quality and Reliability Engineering International. Published online.
58. Luo Yang, Fugee Tsung, Kaibo Wang, Jie Zhou(2024) "Wind Power Forecasting Based on a Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolution Network with Limited Engineering Knowledge", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 73, 1-13, Art no. 9002113, doi: 10.1109/TIM.2024.3374321.
57. Hao Wu, Qiao Liang, and Kaibo Wang(2023) "Modeling and Monitoring Multilayer Attributed Weighted Directed Networks via a Generative Model", IISE Transactions, 56(8), 902–914.
56. Jun Xu, Jie Zhou, Xiaofang Huang, and Kaibo Wang (2024) "Change Point Detection of Multimode Processes Considering Both Mode Transitions and Parameter Changes", IISE Transactions, 56(12), 1263-1278.
55. Dengyu Li and Kaibo Wang (2024) "Structural Learning of Functional Directed Graphical Models with Incomplete Signals", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 53(12), 6490-6511.
54. Dengyu Li and Kaibo Wang (2023) "Multi-Node System Modeling and Monitoring with Extended Directed Graphical Models", Journal of Quality Technology, 56(1), 38–55.
53. Qiao Liang, Shyam Ranganathan, Kaibo Wang, & Xinwei Deng (2023) "JST-RR Model: Joint Modeling of Ratings and Reviews in Sentiment-Topic Prediction", Technometrics, 65(1), 57-69.
52. Peiyao Liu, Juan Du, Yangyang Zang, Chen Zhang & Kaibo Wang (2022) "In-profile monitoring for cluster-correlated data in advanced manufacturing system", Journal of Quality Technology, 55(2), 195–219.
51. Luo Yang & Kaibo Wang (2022) "Imputation of continuous missing values in profile data", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 38, 3644-3662
50. Hao Wu, Kaibo Wang and Lei Xu (2022) "How can age-based vaccine allocation strategies be optimized? A multi-objective optimization framework", Frontiers in Public Health. 2022 Sep 8;10:934891
49. Dengyu Li, Kaibo Wang (2022) "A Multisource Domain Adaptation Method for Quality Prediction in Small-Batch Production Systems", International Journal of Production Research. 60(20), 6268-6281
48. Hang Dong, Kaibo Wang (2022) "Interaction Event Network Modeling based on Temporal Point Process", IISE Transactions, 54(7), 630-642. DOI: 10.1080/24725854.2021.1906468
47. Qiao Liang, Kaibo Wang (2022) "Ratings Meet Reviews in the Monitoring of Online Products and Services", Journal of Quality Technology. 54(2), 197-214.
46. Jun Xu, Zhenglin Liang, Yanfu Li, & Kaibo Wang (2021) "Generalized condition-based maintenance optimization for multi-component systems considering stochastic dependency and imperfect maintenance", Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 211, 107592.
45. Hao Wang, Qiong Zhang, Kaibo Wang and Xinwei Deng (2020) "A Statistics-Guided Approach to Dimensional Quality Characterization of Free-Form Surfaces with an Application to 3D Printing", Quality Engineering. 32(4), 721-7. DOI: 10.1080/08982112.2020.1740258.
44. Hang Dong, Nan Chen, Kaibo Wang (2020) "Modeling and Change Detection for Count-weighted Multi-layer Networks", Technometrics. 62:2, 184-195.
43. Qiao Liang, Kaibo Wang (2020) "Distributed Outlier Detection in Hierarchically Structured Datasets with Mixed Attributes", Quality Technology & Quantitative Management. 17(3), 337-353.
42. Qiao Liang, Kaibo Wang (2019) "Monitoring of User-Generated Reviews via a Sequential Reverse Joint Sentiment-Topic Model", Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 35, 1180-1199.
41. Yangyang Zang, Kaibo Wang (2019) "Robust Profile Alignment Based on Penalized-Spline Smoothing", International Journal of Production Research. 57(10), 2966-2983.
40. Hang Dong, Nan Chen, Kaibo Wang (2017) "Wafer Yield Prediction using Derived Spatial Variables", Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 33, 2327-2342.
39. Hao Wang, Bo Li, Seung Hoon Tong, In-Kap Chang, Kaibo Wang (2018)"A Discrete Spatial Model for Wafer Yield Prediction", Quality Engineering. 30(2), 169-182. DOI: 10.1080/08982112.2017.1328063
38. Yangyang Zang, Bo Li, Kaibo Wang, Ran Jin (2016)"Unaligned Profile Monitoring using Penalized Methods", Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 32, 2761-2776.
37. Jialing Tao, Kaibo Wang, Bo Li, Liang Liu, Qi Cai (2016) "Hierarchical Models for the Spatial Temporal Carbon Nanotube Height Variations", International Journal of Production Research. 54(21), 6613-6632.
36. Hongyue Sun, Xinwei Deng, Kaibo Wang, Ran Jin(2016) "Logistic Regression for Crystal Growth Process Modeling through Hierarchical Nonnegative Garrote based Variable Selection", IIE Transactions. 28(8), 787-796.
35. Bao, L., Huang, Q., and Wang, K.(2016) "Robust Parameter Design for Profile Quality Control", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 32, 1059-1070.
34. Wang, K., Jiang, W., and Li, B. (2016) "A Spatial Variable Selection Method for Monitoring Product Surface", International Journal of Production Research, 54(14), 4161-4181.
33. Wang, X., Wu, Su., Wang, K., Deng, X., Liu, L., and Cai, Q. (2016) "A Spatial Calibration Model for Nanotube Film Quality Prediction", IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 13(2), 903-917.
32. Zhang, L., Wang, K. and Chen, N. (2016) "Monitoring Wafer Geometric Quality using Additive Gaussian Processes", IIE Transactions, 48(1), 1-15.
31. Wang, X., Wu, S., and Wang, K. (2015) "A Run-to-Run Profile Control Algorithm for Improving the Flatness of Nano-Scale Products", IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 12(1), 192-203.
30. He, F., Xie, H. and Wang, K. (2015) "Optimal Setup Adjustment and Control of a Process under ARMA Disturbances", IIE Transactions, 47(3), 230-244.
29. Wang, K., Yeh, A. and Li, B. (2014) "Simultaneous Monitoring of Process Mean Vector and Covariance Matrix via Penalized Likelihood Estimation", Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 78, 206-217.
28. Dai, C., Wang, K. and Jin, R. (2014) "Monitoring Profile Trajectories with Dynamic Time Warping Alignment", Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 30: 815-827.
27. Wang, A., Wang, K. and Tsung, F. (2014) "Statistical Surface Monitoring by Spatial-Structure Modeling", Journal of Quality Technology, 46(4), 359–376.
26. Bao, L., Wang, K. and Wu, T. (2014) "A Run-to-Run Controller for Product Surface Quality Improvement", International Journal of Production Research, 52(15), 4469-4487.
25. Zhang, J., Li, W., Wang, K., and Jin, R. (2014) "Process Adjustment with an Asymmetric Quality Loss Function", Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 33, 159-165.
24. Bao, L., Wang, K. and Jin, R. (2014) "A Hierarchical Model for Characterizing Spatial Wafer Variations", International Journal of Production Research, 52(6), 1827-1842.
23. Wang, K. and Dai, C. (2014) "A Mixed-Effect Model for Analyzing Experiments with Multistage Processes", Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, 11(4), 491-511.
22. Zhou, X., Wang, K. and Zhao, L. (2014) "Variable-Selection-based Epidemic Disease Diagnosis", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 43(7), 1595-1610.
21. Wang, K. and Lin, J. (2013) "A Run-to-Run Control Algorithm Based on Timely and Delayed Mixed-Resolution Information", International Journal of Production Research, 51(15), 4704-4717.
20. Han, K. and Wang, K. (2013) "Coordination and Control of Batch-based Multistage Processes", Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 32: 372-381
19. Wang, K. and Han, K. (2013) "A Batch-based Run-to-Run Process Control Scheme for Semiconductor Manufacturing", IIE Transactions, 45(6): 658-669.
18. Li, B., Wang, K. and Yeh, A. (2013), "Monitoring the Covariance Matrix via Penalized Likelihood Estimation", IIE Transactions 45(2), 132-146.
17. Yeh, A., Li, B. and Wang, K. (2012), "Monitoring Multivariate Process Variability with Individual Observations via Penalized Likelihood Estimation", International Journal of Production Research, 50(22), 6624-6638.
16. Jiang, W., Wang, K. and Tsung, F. (2012). "A Variable-Selection-based Multivariate EWMA Chart for Process Monitoring and Diagnosis." Journal of Quality Technology 44(3), 209-230.
15. Lin J. and Wang, K. (2012). "A Bayesian Framework for Online Parameter Estimation and Process Adjustment using Categorical Observations." IIE Transactions 44, 291-300.
14. Lin J. and Wang, K. (2011). "Online Parameter Estimation and Run-to-Run Process Adjustment Using Categorical Observations." International Journal of Production Research 49(13): 4103-4117.
13. Wang, K. and Tsung, F. (2010). "Recursive Parameter Estimation for Categorical Process Control." International Journal of Production Research 48(5): 1381-1394.
12. Han, D., Tsung, F., Li, Y. and Wang, K. (2010). "A Nonlinear Filter Control Chart for Detecting Dynamic Changes." Statistica Sinica  20: 1077-1096.
11. Wang, K. and Tsung, F. (2009). "An Adaptive Dimension Reduction Scheme for Monitoring Feedback Controlled Processes." Quality and Reliability Engineering International 25: 283–298.
10. Wang, K. and Jiang, W. (2009). "High-Dimensional Process Monitoring and Fault Isolation via Variable Selection." Journal of Quality Technology 41(3): 247-258.
9. Shang, Y., Wang, K. and Tsung, F. (2009). "An Improved Run-to-Run Process Control Scheme for Categorical Observations with Misclassification Errors." Quality and Reliability Engineering International 25: 397-407.
8. Lu, J. C., Jeng, S. L. and Wang, K. (2009). "A Review of Statistical Methods for Quality Improvement and Control in Nanotechnology." Journal of Quality Technology 41(2): 148-164.
7. He, F., Wang, K. and Jiang, W. (2009). "A General Harmonic Rule Controller for Run-to-Run Process Control." IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 22(2): 232-244.
6. Wang, K. and Tsung, F. (2008). "An Adaptive T2 Chart for Monitoring Dynamic Systems." Journal of Quality Technology 40: 109-123.
5. Wang, K. and Tsung, F. (2007). "Run-to-Run Process Adjustment Using Categorical Observations." Journal of Quality Technology 39(4): 312-325.
4. Wang, K. and Tsung, F. (2007). "Monitoring Feedback-Controlled Processes Using Adaptive T2 Schemes." International Journal of Production Research 45(23): 5601-5619.
3. Jeng, S. L., Lu, J. C. and Wang, K. (2007). "A Review of Reliability Research on Nanotechnology." IEEE Transactions on Reliability 56(3): 401-410.
2. Han, D., Tsung, F., Hu, X. and Wang, K. (2007). "CUSUM and EWMA Multi-Charts for Detecting a Range of Mean Shifts." Statistica Sinica 17(3): 1139-1164.
1. Wang, K. and Tsung, F. (2005). "Using Profile Monitoring Techniques for a Data-rich Environment with Huge Sample Size." Quality and Reliability Engineering International 21: 677-688.

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